Monday, September 22, 2008


So after talking to the old timer, he assured me it wasn't his son's doing. He said his son was a sweetheart and would never paint this thing. He said it was probably the wife and her boyfriend. Boyfriend? Then he went on about that. I didn't want to know. What I did know is that fucking pentagram was in my face and I DID NOT like it one bit. I worked until 3:30 then came home. Do I starting packing to work? You know, I try to be a good neighbor. So who better to vent to than Good Neighbor John about all this. At 4:30 he was sound asleep. I woke him up and went on a tear, showing him a picture of the thing on my camera. In typical yawny tones he didn't know what the fuss was about. That just twisted me up more. He was absolutely no help.
I came home and luckily Shewho called. I didn't want to tell her about the whole mess. All I wanted to do was discuss her role as Candy, but I felt obligated. Shewho's the bank. In typical form she took it in stride, leaving it to me to thresh out.

Hunting season is coming. Turkey opens on Oct. first. A little reminder to the supermodels- book early. Rut's coming.

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