Friday, February 6, 2009


Maybe shrunken gonads helps him swim at those supersonic speeds. Or maybe he has webbed toes and finned testicles. I have no idea. But what I do know is he missed a great oportunity to be the face of a new stoner nation. That picture with Phelps' lips wrapped around a bong, instead led to him apologizing and whining to the media over his "great mistake". Excuse me, but wouldn't it have been better to own up to the fact that he was a marijuana smoker AND the fastest shaved down body to hit the water since Mark Spitz? He could've joined the ranks of Louie Armstrong, George Washington and Sitting Bull as a spokespersion for the pipe (or bong in his case).
And what caused this weepy apologist stance? Greed. The man was worried about losing all those swim trunk and nose plug endorsement contracts. Dude, why not grow a pair and throw it back in their faces? Pot helps my glaucoma, depression, and overall state of well being. I don't know if it makes me swim any faster, but if anybody catches me torching one- I'll own up. I'm not sorry. Endorsement contracts be damned. I'm stoned and I'm proud.

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